I have been a teacher and a program Leader of Special Education for over thirty years. Fifteen years ago, my wife and I started traveling to various countries around the world. We have visited Central America, South America, Mexico, the USA, Africa and Asia several times. When we travel, I combine my passion for teaching and traveling by visiting schools in the country that we were in. It’s a lot of fun learning key phrases and attempting to communicate in the country’s language.

Throughout our adventures over the years, we have met remained good friends with hundreds of wonderful people all across the world.

I believe that everyone, especially today’s youth, should experience the joy of learning about how other people in the world live, their cultures and what is important to them. While we can compare differences, more importantly, we will find similarities. So much can be learned by adopting a global mindset and intercultural awareness.

As a result, we have created this website as a vehicle to allow students to be easily introduced and to interact with students that live in other parts of the world, through the guidance of their own teacher. We aim to engage students in social studies, geography, economics, and media literacy by giving them access to the world rather than a textbook. We can even provide students with the opportunity to get to know each other by working on a similar project or lesson and then share their unique perspectives and opinions.

I believe that it is critical for students to expand their own world in order to eliminate racial prejudice while learning to appreciate their own life style as well as the unique lifestyles of others!

Michael Cull